There are multiple ways to teleport back home from other levels. The first and perhaps the most simple way is through the Expressions menu:

  1. Tap the Wings icon at the top of the scree to open the Expression menu.
  2. Then tap the Home button that looks like an arch at the top of the menu to return home.

You can also teleport back Home through the options menu:

  1. Tap the top-right of the screen to make the Cog button appear.
  2. Tap the Cog button to open the options menu.
  3. Tap the Home button, it should be the leftmost icon in the menu.
  4. Tapping the Home button will open a prompt to verify you want to teleport Home. Tap the check mark to confirm.

If you are in any of the hub areas, you can also use the Return Shrine to return back to the Home Space. Approach the shrine and meditate at it to begin the return to home process.