Yes. Depending on your device, you may be able to use Bluetooth / MiFi-certified controllers to play Sky.

iOS Devices

iOS features controller support for MiFi-certified devices. For players using iOS 13 and above, PlayStation 4/5 and Xbox One controllers will also work.

Android Devices

Controller support is available on some Android devices — however, not all brands will work. For example, Steelseries Nimbus will not work due to incorrect button mappings (Steelseries Stratus XL, which is marketed as an Android controller, should however work).

Compatibility also depends on your Android OS version and brand of your device. Therefore, we recommend players to research into which controllers will work correctly for their OS and device, but looking for Android-compatible controllers is a good start.

PS4 and Xbox controllers should function without issue on Android devices running OS 9 or newer.

Remapping Keys / Default Bindings

Below are the default controls while using a controller with Sky. You can change and remap keys through Settings > Controllers and Sensors > Change Button Mapping > [Your Controller Name] > Change.


Default Controller Bindings for iOS/Android-compatible controllers:

Left stick - Move

Right stick - Camera

A (X) - Tap to jump, hold to boost

B (Ο) - Chirp / shout / call lost lights

X (⃞) or Right Trigger (R2) - Activate nearest hint icon (light candle, meditate, etc)

Y (Δ) - Toggle expression menu

Left Shoulder Button (L1) - Press to view currency and wing buff status. Press again to access the purchase menu.

Right Shoulder Button (R1) - Toggle flight mode when in air

Left Trigger (L2) - Hold to activate stepping mode while on ground

Menu/pause button (Options) - Main Menu

While in Main Menu:

Right stick or D-pad - Scroll through menu items

A (X) - Select item

Left/Right Shoulder Button (L1/R1) - Previous / Next Page

B (Ο) - Back / Exit

You can also invert the camera and flight controls in the same menu.



L2 : Opens controller menu

L1 : Show candle/heart counts, forge candles

Share : Open keyboard for chatting

Left Joystick : Move your Sky Kid

Left D-Pad:

Up: Zoom Camera in

Down: Zoom Camera out

Left: Show Current Quests

Right: Open or Close Chat Log

R2 : Activates certain cosmetics and items, create chat QR code (while viewing chat keyboard)

R1 : Toggle Flight (Hover/Glide), Toggle Swimming and Diving, Skip In-Game Cutscenes

Options : Settings

Right Thumbstick : Move Camera, Navigate Menus

Right Buttons:

△ : Activate / Interact with On-screen buttons

X : Call / Honk

O : Tap to Jump, Hold to Fly, Swimming Speed Boost

⃞ : Open Expressions/Items Menu


Left Joy-Con Controller

ZL Trigger: Opens controller menu

L : Show candle/heart counts, forge candles

(-) : Open keyboard for chatting

Left Joystick : Move your Sky Kid

Left D-Pad:

Up: Zoom Camera in

Down: Zoom Camera out

Left: Show Current Quests

Right: Open or Close Chat Log

Right Joy-Con Controller

ZR Trigger : Activates certain cosmetics and items, create chat QR code (while viewing chat keyboard)

R Trigger : Toggle Flight (Hover/Glide), Toggle Swimming and Diving, Skip In-Game Cutscenes

(+) : Settings

Right Thumbstick : Move Camera, Navigate Menus

Right Buttons:

Y : Activate / Interact with On-screen buttons

A : Call / Honk

B: Tap to Jump, Hold to Fly, Swimming Speed Boost

X : Open Expressions/Items Menu