Gameplay & Features
What is the Spell Shop?
Spell Shops are places scattered throughout the world of Sky where you can exchange various currencies (candles, hearts, ascended candles, e...
Qu'est-ce qu'un esprit voyageur ?
Remarque : L'heure d'été 2020 commencera à 2 heures du matin le dimanche 8 mars. Les documents relatifs à l'heure passeront donc de l...
Comment fonctionne la potion de redimensionnement, et où est-ce que je peux en trouver ?
La potion de redimensionnement a été ajoutée avec le patch 0.6.0, avant la saison des Chercheurs de lumière. La potion de redimensi...
When do Daily Quests and Candles reset?
During Daylight Saving Time, Daily Quests and Candles reset at 00:00 PDT (UTC-7). When Daylight Saving Time ends, reset becomes 00:00 PST ...
Pourquoi les portails ont-ils tous disparu ?
Lorsque vous déverrouillez le niveau Œil d’Éden, tous vos portails disparaîtront. Les portails ne réapparaitront pas avant que vous ayez c...
Comment fonctionne la lumière ailée ?
Lorsqu'elle est collectée, la lumière ailée vous permet d'améliorer votre cape. Chaque niveau de cape appara&ic...
Pourquoi est-ce que mon personnage, ou celui des autres, porte des écouteurs ?
Des écouteurs apparaîtront sur la tête des personnages lorsque le joueur écoute de la musique qui n'est pas diffu...
À quoi sert le boutons éclair et piles dans le menu ?
Le bouton éclair et piles permet d'activer et de désactiver le mode Économiseur d'énergie. Lorsqu'il est acti...
Comment changer le sexe de mon personnage ?
Les personnages de Sky sont délibérément conçus pour permettre aux joueurs d'exprimer le sexe qu'ils ont choisi...
Que faire si je n'entends pas les sons de mon jeu ?
Si vous ne pouvez pas entendre les sons du jeu, essayez d'effectuer les étapes suivantes jusqu'à ce qu'ils fonctionnent &agra...
Comment capturer une vidéo du jeu ?
Pour capturer une vidéo, suivez les étapes suivantes : Touchez le coin inférieur droit de l'écran pour ...
Qu'est-ce que l'Œil d’Éden ?
ATTENTION - Les sections qui suivent contiennent des spoilers pour tous ceux qui n'ont pas terminé l'aventure principale du jeu. Li...
What are Message Shrines, Message Candles, Message Boats, Shared Spaces, and Shared Memories?
Sky features various ways to share your sentiments, creativity, and personality with the world around you through Player Creations. Player C...
How do I get the Beta cape?
The original Beta Cape reward was a one-time gift from TGC for testers who helped us test Sky prior to the launch of the global version of t...
How do I obtain Candles and Hearts?
There are two ways you can obtain Candles:Collect enough Light to forge a Candle.You can collect Light from various sources in the game, mai...
How do Daily Quests work between Seasons?
Each day the Quest Giver spirit moves to stand in front of a different portal. When there is no active Season in Sky, you can talk to the Qu...
Who is the Sleepy Traveling Merchant, and what does the boat in Home do?
The Sleepy Traveling Merchant is a spirit who appears in Home space periodically. Mainly, they have a boat that’s stocked with Spells, Scro...
What is Daily Light, and how does it work?
Daily Light is a new system that encourages a small amount of highly rewarding play each day, while trying to make the daily grind for candl...
What are Past Seasonal Spirits?
Please note players will need to complete the core story loop by finishing the Eye of Eden realm in order to access this feature. In order...
What is the Guide Feature, and how does it work?
The guide feature is a way for players who may need a little guidance to signal for help from more knowledgeable players to obtain new Expre...
What is Gifting in-app purchase items to friends, and how does it work?
Gifting is a feature that allows players to purchase and gift in-app purchase (IAP) items for their friends. All IAP items can be gifted whi...
How do I recharge another Sky Kid?
Watch for a new icon that appears as a beacon when others are in need of aid. To recharge someone whose Light has been completely extinguish...
How has the light / recharge system changed?
The way Sky children respond when injured has also changed in this patch. Keep watch for a new icon that appears as a beacon when others are...
What are Shard Eruptions?
Shards erupt periodically from the mountain on the horizon, falling into different areas of the kingdom’s realms. Shard Eruptions occur rand...
What is the Rehearsal Room in Harmony Hall?
The Rehearsal Room is a private space in Sky where you can hone your musical skills without the worry of other watchful eyes. This area can ...
How do I join my friends in Sky?
Playing with friends is one of the best ways to experience Sky, and joining your friends out in the world is quick and easy. Sky features mu...
What is the Sky Map?
Recently added to Sky, you can now find a world map within the world of Sky to help you uncover all the secrets the realms have to offer!To ...
How do I use the camera?
Where can I get the new camera?An all-new camera device has been added to Sky which can be acquired by all players by speaking with the Seas...
How do I change the in-game language?
Sky currently supports English, Japanese, Chinese (Traditional, Simplified), French, German, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, ...
How do I use Music Sheets in Sky?
Music Sheets in Sky allows you to follow along with a guide to play a song. Some spirits may need you to play along with them!Where can I fi...
How do I favorite emotes in Sky?
Emote Favorites allows you to quickly and conveniently access your favorite expressions including emotes, stances, calls, props, instruments...
How do I unfriend someone in Sky?
To access the unfriending feature, select the player’s star in your friend constellation and scroll up to where you will see a button to unf...
What is dyeing and the Dye Workshop? How can I change the color of my items?
Introduced with the Season of Radiance, you’re now able to further customize your cosmetics’ colors with dyes; head over to the newly-opened...
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