Friend Constellations are an easy way to organize and find your favorite friends in Sky. You can use the Relationship Menu to access the friends you’ve made along your journey!

What is the Relationship Menu?

The Relationship Menu is one of the primary ways to interact with your Friends in Sky! Selecting a friend's star in a Friend Constellation will open up their Relationship Menu with the following options:

  • Report Player: Send a direct report about this player regarding inappropriate behavior or actions in-game. You can also click on any other player, whether currently a friend or not, and report them if necessary.

  • Block Friend: Blocks this friend from interacting with you, in case your friendship hits a rocky moment; you can always unblock to restart interactions with your friend.

  • Favorite Friend: Adding a Friend as a favorite will open your Constellations to edit your new favorite buddy.

  • Give/Receive Light: Send Light to your Friend. How sweet!

  • Give/Receive Hearts: Send a Heart to your Friend for the cost of three (3) candles. How generous!

  • Join Friend: 'Join Friend' groups you together in the same vicinity as your friend and allows you to further interact in the world of Sky!

  • Edit Name: Edit your friend’s name. Note: Friend names are only visible to you; your friends will not see the name you have given them unless you decide to tell them yourself


Where do I access Friend Constellations?

You can access and edit Friend Constellations from Home at the Constellation table. When interacting with the Constellation table, it is possible the Spirit Constellation might open first, therefore, in order to open the Friend Constellation tap on the icon at the top of the screen.


Friend Constellation Star Status:

  • What do the colors of the different stars mean?

    • White (faded): You have not sent this friend Light today

    • White (bright): You have sent this friend Light today

    • Yellow: This friend has sent you Light today (you should send some back!)

  • What do the different things on top of a star mean?

    • Rotating circle: Your Friend is currently online

    • Floating stars: Your Friend has sent you Light; tap or click on their star to collect your Light

    • Floating heart: Your Friend has sent you a Heart; tap or click on their star, then click on the Heart Gift icon to receive your Heart


How many Friend Constellations can I create?

You can create a total of six (6) custom Friend Constellations, including, in sequential order:

  • Crown

  • Umbrella

  • Mantas

  • Harp

  • Spirit Stone

  • Crabs


How many friends can fit in one Friend Constellation?

Each Friend Constellation can group together ten (10) individual friends, for a total of sixty (60) friends able to be arranged whichever way you’d like inside your custom constellations.


How many total friends can I have in Sky?

You can have as many friends as you can imagine! However, you’re only able to see 110 friends at a time.

  • Up to 10 friends can be added to each of the 6 Friend Constellation for a total of 60 friends.

  • Up to 50 friends can be seen on the “main” Friends tab.

  • 60 + 50 = Up to 110 friends visible at any given time

Each time you log in to Sky, your “main” Friends constellation will refresh with (if available) new friends you’ve made that haven’t been added to a Friend Constellation.

When you remove a friend from any constellation, the previously occupied friend spot will be refreshed with the next friend you’ve made based on the order in which you added each friend. 


How can I delete Friend Constellations?

In order to delete a Friend Constellation, you must move or remove all of the friends you’ve placed on that Friend Constellation; once it is empty, the Friend Constellation will disappear once you navigate away from the current screen.


How do I rename Friend Constellations?

The default name for Friend Constellations is “Favorites.” You are able to rename Friend Constellations to better help you organize your friends!


  1. Click/tap the Edit button to change the default name from “Favorites” to “Group Name”

  2. Click/tap the Group Name box to bring up the option to Rename Friend Constellation

  3. Enter a new name and confirm

  4. Exit “Edit Mode” by clicking/tapping the Check button on the top right of the screen

Nintendo Switch:

  1. Navigate to the Friend Constellation you want to rename

  2. Press the - button to bring up the rename window

  3. Enter a new name and confirm your selection.

Playstation 4 / Playstation 5:

  1. Navigate to the Friend Constellation you want to rename

  2. Press the tktk button to bring up the rename window

  3. Enter a new name and confirm your selection.


How do I add friends to Friend Constellations?

You can add friends to Friend Constellations by following these steps:


  1. On the Friends tab, click/tap the Edit button on the top right corner to enter edit mode

  2. Click/tap on the friend you want to add to a Friend Constellation

  3. Swipe to the constellation you wish to add your friend to or select “New Constellation” to create a new group of friends

  4. Click/tap on an empty star in the Friend Constellation to move your friend to their new spot

  5. Click/tap on the X in the upper right corner to exit edit mode.

Nintendo Switch:

  1. On the Friends tab, press Y to enter edit mode

  2. Click/tap on the friend you want to add to a Friend Constellation

  3. Navigate to the constellation you wish to add your friend to or select “New Constellation” to create a new group of friends

  4. Click/tap on an empty star in the Friend Constellation to move your friend to their new spot

Playstation 4 / Playstation 5:

  1. On the Friends tab, press Square (⃞) to enter edit mode.

  2. Click/tap on the friend you want to add to a Friend Constellation

  3. Navigate to the constellation you wish to add your friend to or select “New Constellation” to create a new group of friends

  4. Click/tap on an empty star in the Friend Constellation to move your friend to their new spot


How do I rearrange friends in Friend Constellations?

You can move friends between constellations by navigating to the Friend Constellation which has the friend you wish to move and following these steps:


  1. Click/tap the Edit button on the top right corner to enter edit mode

  2. Click/tap on the friend you want to move

  3. Swipe to the constellation you wish to move your friend

  4. Click/tap on an empty star in the Friend Constellation to move your friend to their new spot or swap a friend by clicking on an occupied star

  5. Click/tap on the X in the upper right corner to exit edit mode.

Nintendo Switch:

  1. On the Friends tab, press Y to enter edit mode

  2. Click/tap on the friend you want to move

  3. Navigate to the constellation you wish to move your friend

  4. Click/tap on an empty star in the Friend Constellation to move your friend to their new spot or swap a friend by clicking on an occupied star

Playstation 4 / Playstation 5:

  1. On the Friends tab, press Square (⃞) to enter edit mode

  2. Click/tap on the friend you want to move

  3. Navigate to the constellation you wish to move your friend

  4. Click/tap on an empty star in the Friend Constellation to move your friend to their new spot or swap a friend by clicking on an occupied star