If you’re unable to find the assistance through the FAQs you can contact Player Support either through the in-game QR code (preferred) or by clicking “contact us” on the FAQ website on Web or Mobile.

Important - We can better assist players with game-related issues through the in-game menu, as it allows us to reach a resolution more efficiently. Whenever possible, we encourage you to contact us from the in-game menu rather than via the web forum.

Contacting Through In-Game on Nintendo Switch
  1. Run the Sky: Children of the Light on Nintendo Switch
  2. Once the game starts, tap on the top-right corner of the screen to reveal the cog icon. Or if you’re using a controller press “+"
  3. Tap the cog icon to access the utility menu.
  4. Tap the Support button to open the Support menu.
  5. Scan the unique QR Code with your mobile device to automatically open up a support ticket.
  6. If you close the web page with your support ticket for any reason you can rescan the QR code to reopen the webpage.

Important Notes:
  • Please provide as much information as possible about the issue you’re encountering in order to properly categorize your request so that you get the best possible assistance from our team
  • All communication with TGC support will be through the webpage opened up via QR code. You will receive an in-game notification letting you know that you have received a reply from Player Support!