If you cannot find the solution you are looking for in the FAQ, you can speak with a customer support agent by tapping the Contact Us or Chat Bubble button.

If these options do not appear, you might need to view a few FAQs first. If you still do not have the option, you can contact us online at: http://bit.ly/skygamecs
Note: We can better assist players with game-related issues through the in-game menu, as it allows us to reach a resolution more efficiently. Whenever possible, we encourage you to contact us from the in-game menu rather than via the web forum.

If you are reading this on the web, follow these steps to contact Customer Support through the game:
  1. Run the Sky: Children of the Light app.
  2. Once the game starts, tap on the top-right corner of the screen to reveal the cog icon.
  3. Tap the cog icon to access the utility menu.
  4. Tap the Support button to open the Support menu.
  5. Tap the Contact Us button in the top-right of the Support menu to send a message to our customer support team.
Our customer support agents try their best to help with all inquiries, but please note that there are some questions that Customer Support is unable to answer:
  1. Customer Support can assist you if you’re stuck and can’t progress, or are having an issue with the game, but we are not able to act as game guides to reveal content that players are supposed to discover on their own. We hope that everyone can enjoy exploring and cooperating with friends to discover everything that Sky has to offer.
  2. We can help direct players to platforms where they can find information that has already been announced officially and made public. However, we will not reveal or provide any unannounced information, including information about past, current, or future content, events, and policies. Please follow our social media pages for news announcements about the game.
  3. Customer Support shares bug reports, feedback, and suggestions from you with the developers. However, we cannot always respond or provide solutions for each report or suggestion.
    We encourage you to join one of our official communities, where you can ask questions and discuss your thoughts with other members of the community, as well as have access to the latest news from the developers. You can find our official Discord server here: http://discord.gg/thatskygame