IMPORTANT: First and foremost, make sure that your account is linked to either Game Center (iOS only) or Google (iOS and Android). You can link your account by tapping the Cog icon in the upper right corner of your screen; this will open the Main Menu. From there, you will see the Account icon—if your account is linked, there will be a check mark above the word "Account". If no account is linked, it will be an expression icon with a + next to it. If a check mark is present, tap on it to see which Game Center or Google account the game is tied to, it will show the Game Center nickname or the Google email address associated with your account. Toggle to the Recovery Code tab and save a screenshot of your Sky ID as a secondary precaution. 

If at any time you encounter an error dialogue popup, tap the 'Retry' button and if that doesn't resolve itself, tap on the 'Contact Us' button and include the error code that appeared in the error message. Otherwise, follow the steps below to attempt to resolve this issue.

If you are on iOS, skip to step 2.

1) If you are on Android, go into your device's Settings > Apps > Sky > Storage and proceed to 'Clear Data' and 'Clear Cache'. Log back into the Sky app and see if levels begin to download. If not, proceed to the next step.

2) Once you have ensured your account is linked, uninstall the Sky app. 

3) Turn your device completely off and back on. Tapping the Restart button will not have the same effect. 

4) Reinstall Sky from the App Store or Google Play Store. Ensure that you have a strong, stable internet connection.

5) Launch the game—it may act as a brand new account and play the opening cutscene. This is normal. Once the game loads into the Home space, you should be able to access the Main Menu. Proceed to the Account section for Game Center or Google, depending on which you linked your account to in the previous steps, and the option to recover your account should be available. By tapping the Recover button, a pop-up asking if you want to abandon this unlinked account and recover the account linked to Game Center or Google. Select 'Abandon' and your original account should be restored. At this time, the additional levels should begin to download correctly.

If your account does not load after tapping the 'Abandon' button, please go to the Support section in the Main Menu and contact CS so they can manually recover your account, you will need the Sky ID from the screenshot you should have saved from the first step. 

If you have at least 1GB of free space and the additional levels continue to fail to download or get stuck or if you have additional questions, please Contact Us.