If you do not immediately receive the item you purchased, or your friend did not immediately receive the item you gifted them, we suggest restarting your Sky app (advise your friend to do the same if it’s a gifted item) to see if it appears after you log back in. 

Sometimes a purchase may not get automatically fulfilled by the system. Fulfillment of the purchase is required to have items from your purchase added to a Sky account. 

  • If you purchased the item for your own account: 

    • Head to the in-game store or the spirit where you purchased the item. You should see the item you purchased marked as either being “free” or having a red notification dot in the store. Select the item to fulfill the purchase, and you should receive the item!

  • If you purchased the item for your friend through the IAP gifting feature

    • Go through the same IAP gifting process with your friend - this time, you should see the item you tried gifting to your friend marked as either being “free” or having a red notification dot in the store. 

    • IMPORTANT: Make sure to not accidentally fulfill this purchase towards your own account by selecting the item in your own store. Instead you must go through the same steps of IAP gifting with your friend. Select the item to fulfill the purchase, and your friend should receive the item.

    • Please note that once a purchase is successfully fulfilled, the Player Support team cannot assist in reversing this action.

If the item still does not appear, we would suggest waiting a bit longer. It could take up to 24 hours for purchases to be processed and items to be reflected on Sky accounts due to possible delays from the server, device connectivity, or the transaction itself.

What happens if my friend or I don’t receive the item after 24 hours?

Repeat the steps above with restarting the game and fulfilling the purchase. 

If the item does not arrive or you encounter an issue that goes beyond the scope of this FAQ, please contact our Player Support team who will be here to help!